Friday, March 4, 2011


All of a sudden I found myself thinking sociologically when I remembered the time I went to the circus to take my little cousins.  I remember that when we got there there was a lot of people with signs and posters, at first I thought they were promoting the circus being there because we were in the car so I did not get too close to read.  Later, I found out they were people against circuses because of the treatment of animals and when I remembered this I noticed how this was a great example of two out of the four different types of crowds.  The first one would be conventional and that is because everyone gathered in a specific place to see the performance of people and animals while following appropriate behavior even the protesters that were outside they just did their thing without fighting with anyone.  The second one would be acting and this will be the protesters that were outside.  They were taking action toward a specific target and that target was to get more people to stop going to the circus because animals are not for show.  Looking back at it now I realize that if I was part of the protesters my actions would be the opposite as they were when I was watching all the performances.

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